In 2006 a journey began for Egyptian trance duo Aly & Fila, when the 'Future Sound of Egypt' radio show was born. 300 Episodes later, the Radio Show is going stronger than ever. Broadcasted all over the globe on a weekly basis, the radio show delivers an upfront selection of trance music from up and coming producers, to well established artists.

Having hosted two previous celebrations - FSOE 200 and FSOE 250 - 2013 sees Aly & Fila take their celebration to the next level. They will host 5 events worldwide in August 2013 to celebrate reaching 300 episodes of their radio show. The events will be held in Sharm El Sheik, Mexico City, Amsterdam, Buenos Aires and Prague. With DJ Line ups consisting of artists who are regularly heard on the radio show, a special array of talent from around the globe with decor and production which will transport you to the Future and to Ancient Egypt.

Aly & Fila will host special radio shows, live and directly from each event. Guests will be interviewed in the on-location studios, and the extra episodes will of course provide hours of quality trance music, live from the events. The worldwide audience is welcome to join via the special interactive website to be part of the experience. Listen via the website or selected radio stations around the world and participate by interacting. The website is updated in realtime and features Twitter messages, Instagram photos, pictures taken by listeners and at the venue, and much more.

In August the Future Comes To You ... welcome to FSOE 300!


August 8: LIVE from Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
August 10: LIVE from Mexico City, Mexico
August 16: LIVE from Amsterdam, The Netherlands
August 18: LIVE from Buenos Aires, Argentina
August 30: LIVE from Prague, Czech Republic

Check the Event pages for more details per party.

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