- Craig Connelly & James Cottle - Got To Give [FSOE]
- ReOrder & Jordan Tobias pres Crowd+Ctrl feat. 88Birds - Gasoline [Armada Captivating]
- Daxson - Behind The Mask [Black Hole]
- Daxson & Nation Of One - Now Or Never [Coldharbour]
- Richard Durand & Nicholas Gun feat. RAEYA - Not Afraid [Black Hole]
- Haliene - Underneath My Skin (Nifra Remix) [Black Hole]
- Craig Connelly / Motorcycle - As The Triplets Come (Craig Connelly Mashup) [Black Hole]
- Craig Connelly feat. That Girl - Little Mystery [Higher Forces]
- Paul Oakenfold feat. Baby E - Shine On (Craig Connelly Remix) [Black Hole]
- Elevven & Sarah Mark - Shallow (Daniel Kandi Remix) [Enhanced]
- Billy Hendrix - Body Shine (Will Rees Remix) [Armada]
- Simon Patterson -Voodoo [VII]
- NG Rezonance & Coulson - Sentient [FSOE]
- Andrea Ribeca - Ephemerides [FSOE]
- Kenny McAuley - Dreamworld [Subculture]
- Craig Connelly feat. Tara Louise - You Are Alive [Higher Forces]
- First State feat. Anita Kelsey - Falling (Craig Connelly Remix) [Black Hole]
- Ian T & Flund feat. Lillia Kysil - Ethereal [Monster Pure]
- Craig Connelly & Paul Denton - Quantum Eraser [FSOE]
- Arctic Moon feat. Jessica Lawrence - Like The Sun (XiJaro & Pitch Remix) [FSOE]
- Aligarh - Moon Bay At Sunset [FSOE]
- Alan Morris - Esperanza [Subculture]
- Craig Connelly feat. Numa - Headed For The Sun [Higher Forces]
- Aly * Fila - Altitude Compensation [FSOE]
- Mark Sherry - The Release [Outburst]
Future Sound of Egypt 784 with Aly & Fila (Craig Connelly Takeover)

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