Future Sound of Egypt 818 with Aly & Fila
01. Kris O_Neil - Speelplaats [Coldharbour Recordings]
02. Paul Arcane - Odital [UV]
03. Dan Stone & Sarah Mark - Paralyzed (Koyah Remix) [Argento]
04. Lonya, Mattia Pompeo - Gravity [UV]
05. Trilucid - Calling [UV]
06. Santiablo - Azul [UV Noir]
07. Van Dope - All Together [Pattern]
08. Dylhen - Juggernaut [Pattern]
09. James Dymond - Layan Bay [FSOE]
10. R3tr0nauts - Cheeky [Fables]
11. Allen Watts - Spectral [FSOE]
12. Tony De Vit - The Dawn (Mark Sherry Remix) [Tidy Trax] 
13. Jon Mangan - Reinvigorate [FSOE]
14. Murzo - Kiss The Night [FSOE]
15. Philippe EL Sisi Chritina_novelli & NGD_Project - Addicted [FSOE]
16. OnTune - Waterfall [Euforia Festival 2023 Anthem] [Damaged Records] 
17. Daniel Skyver - A Trillion Suns [Fables]
18. Driftmoon - Golden Summer [Nocturnal Knights Music]
19. Asteroid - Flow State [FSOE]
20. R3tr0nauts - Ostend Beach [Fables]
21. R3tr0nauts - This Is The Way [Fables]
22. Mike van Fabio - Entity [Subculture]
23. Stoneface & Terminal - Access [Clandestine]
24. Themina - Genesis [FSOE]
25. Lee Van Willem - Margaret [Nocturnal Knights Music] 
26. Craig Connelly - Nathan's Song [Higher Forces] [WONDER OF THE WEEK]
Listen Here : https://alyandfila.biglink.to/fsoeradio