Future Sound of Egypt 853 with Aly & Fila
1. Ramiro Alvarez & Luciano Capomassi - Entropía [UV]
2. Franco Camiolo - Abroken [[UV]
3. Whoriskey - Torn - [UV Noir]
4. Deestopia, Nomas - Avantgarde [Settlement]
5. Santiago Luna - Combustion [Settlement]
6. Roman - Easy To Love [UV]
7. John Woods & Van dope ft. Lenn V - Your Heart (Hobin Rude Remix) [Pattern]
8. Elysian - Now We Are Free [Black Hole]
9. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run (Avenue One Extended Remix) [Armada Music]
10. Dan Stone - With You [Argento]
11. Liam Wilson & Lee Coulson - Neon Lights [Clandestine]
12. Vincent De Moor - Flowtation (Dan Stone Extended Remix) [Armada Captivating]
13. Char Spinelli - St Michael [UV]
14. Liam Wilson & Lee Coulson - Atmosphere [Clandestine]
15. Jardin - Infinity [FSOE]
16. Dawnseekers - Gothic Dream (Doppenberg Remix) [Nocturnal Knights Reworked]
17. Casepeat & Plutian - Genesis [Nocturnal Knights]
18. Joint Operations Centre - Timelapse (Extended Mix) [Subculture] 
19. James Cottle - Night Flight [FSOE]
20. Exolight & Suncatcher - Coral Blue [Fables]
21. Chris SX - Void Effect  [Damaged Records]
22. Thomas Nikki & Derek Palmer - Cielos Tranquilos [Fables]
23. Christina Noveli, Alokin & EpicFail - The Hardest Thing (Extended Mix) [Muse Music]
24. David Forbes - Monorail [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
25. Andrea Ribeca - Thalassa [FSOE] WONDER OF THE WEEK
26. Luke Bond - Reflections (Ciaran McAuley Remix) [FSOE]
27. David Forbes - The Game [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
28. Craig Connelly - Perseverance [FSOE]
Listen Here : https://alyandfila.biglink.to/fsoeradio